Where No LED Has Gone Before

You may soon be able to add “growing space vegetables” to the list of uses for LEDs. Researchers at the University of Guelph’s Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility (CERF) are looking at ways that LEDs can help grow plants on other planets, specifically the moon and Mars. The project, called InTICE (Innovative Technologies in Challenging Environments), also has applications right here in Canada for remote Northern regions where fresh food is scarce.


LED Lighting

9 Questions That Can Help Maximize the Value of Your LED Retrofit

LED’s Part 2
The benefits of LEDs almost seem too good to be true, and in some cases may be. Rapid growth in LED technology has led to equal growth in the number of manufacturers and suppliers, with sometimes questionable results. To get the greatest value out of your LED retrofit, integrate these considerations into your purchasing process.


LED Lighting

LEDs: Partnering Savings with Sustainability

Mention LEDs in a conversation, and what first springs to mind is low energy use. But LEDs offer plenty of other benefits, including less waste, less use of materials and resources, and greater recyclability. As facilities across Canada seek to lower energy costs, solid state lighting can help give every building a sustainable future. The rapid development of LED technologies are accelerating this change. Architects and building owners strive for a balance of sustainable practices that allow aesthetics and functionality to live together, while ensuring the quality of light, energy savings and long service life provide the return they want.