IALD Announces 2022 Inductees to College of Fellows

November 21, 2022
The IALD welcomes two new members to the IALD College of Fellows. The IALD Fellow designation is awarded to members of the IALD for their valuable contribution to the art and science of lighting design, and for exemplary service to the IALD. Fellows are professional members with a minimum of ten years of experience who have been selected by their peers for this designation. Steve Brown, FIALD, FIES, CLD and Ulrike Brandi, FIALD, CLD were formally inducted at the IALD Enlighten Americas conference event in Palm Springs, CA USA.
Steve Brown, FIALD, CLD
Melbourne, Australia
Steve Brown is a powerhouse in the lighting design industry. An IALD member for over 30 years, Steve has dedicated himself to this professional organization. Having served as an IALD Chapter Coordinator, member of the Public Policy Group, and both the IALD and IALD Education Trust Board of Directors, he demonstrates innovation, commitment, and exceptional professionalism. His colleagues have expressed that Steve’s “dedication to the lighting industry and the IALD is second to none.”
His contributions to the industry are multifaceted. Steve has designed several landmark projects in Australia, New Zealand, and internationally including the National Museum of Australia, the City of Dreams Casino in Macau, and the Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane. His award-winning work has been recognized around the world.
In recent years, Steve’s focus has been in the regulatory matters, including representation of IALD in the review of and advisement for favorable lighting regulations in Australia’s 2019 National Construction Code. This was followed by a ‘road tour’ where he presented a review of the final agreed position at numerous venues around Australia.
Steve was well-timed to obtain Certified Lighting Designer certification and IALD Professional membership, as it is a rapidly increasing requirement that lighting designers be CLD or IALD members in major project proposals in Australia.
In his own words, Steve would like to add that having been an IALD member for a third of a century now, he is deeply honored to be accepted into the College of Fellows and would like to thank the IALD for bestowing that honor.
Ulrike Brandi, FIALD, CLD
Ulrike Brandi Licht
Hamburg, Germany
Light has always been a vital part of Ulrike Brandi’s life: first as a teenage astronomer; and later as globally renowned lighting designer. Ulrike studied Industrial Design under Professor Dieter Rams at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg and soon after founded her practice Ulrike Brandi Licht in 1987. Since then, her office has completed projects in over 40 countries throughout Europe and Asia.
Ulrike’s dedication to creating a global culture of light extends past her successful practice. In 2013, she founded the Brandi Institute for Light and Design, an international program where she and lighting professionals encourage students to find creative design solutions by observing the character of light.
Ulrike is also a founding member of the Lighting Detectives, which studies the approach to light in different cultures by surveying and documenting sites with students and other core professions.
She raises the profile of lighting design through her published works. The English version of her fourth book on lighting design, entitled Light Nature Architecture – Understanding and Applying Holistic Lighting Design, will be available next year.
Ulrike is proud to be among professionals who have trained cities and clients for more than 30 years to respect nature and protect darkness. She believes that light can evoke emotion, that shared beauty can lead to sustainability, and that quality is more important than quantity.
Learn more about the IALD College of Fellows HERE