Lighting Controls Association Announces New Course on Utility Rebates

May 19, 2022
The Lighting Controls Association now offers EE107B: Lighting Controls and Commercial Lighting Rebates as a new course in its popular Education Express program.
Utilities offer a variety of rebate programs to encourage public adoption of advanced, energy-saving lighting and controls in existing buildings. These programs often offer a strong incentive to incorporate lighting controls with rebates that are substantial, historically consistent, recognize the most popular control types, and are geographically widely available. New rebates promoting networked lighting control continue to grow in availability, specifically promoting the most advanced control options in the market.
Because rebates are generally unstandardized across the United States, it is important to familiarize oneself with recognized technologies, how products are qualified, and the process and requirements specific to the given rebate program. Authored by Craig DiLouie, LC, CLCP, education director for the Lighting Controls Association, EE107B: Lighting Controls and Commercial Lighting Rebates describes rebates, rebate trends, general outlook for rebates, and generally how to acquire them for a project.
This course is registered with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education System (CES) and recognized by the National Council on Quality in the Lighting Professions (NCQLP). It is also required reading to prepare for NALMCO’s Certified Lighting Controls Professional (CLCP) exam. The Lighting Controls Association is recognized by the State of California as a continuing education provider.