The DLC’s New App Portal is Live

February 4, 2022
The DLC has announced that the new SSL and Hort application portal is officially up and running! Starting immediately, they will be processing new SSL and Hort applications through the new portal. The portal is designed to streamline and simplify the application review process, and is now accessible through your myDLC dashboard if you have a submitter account with the DLC.
The application process itself for SSL and Hort products has not significantly changed with the launch of the new portal. Submitters will still upload product data and supporting documentation for each application. However, the new portal contains online questions that support the uploaded documentation, and is more self-explanatory to help guide submitters through the application process. You can visit the SSL and Hort Qualify a Product/Fixture pages for more information. Click on the application type you wish to submit for detailed instructions and to download the appropriate Excel application forms.
New Application Excel Forms:
The new application portal requires the upload of new Excel-based application forms. These Excel forms are now available on the DLC website on each Application Instructions page. Visit the SSL and Hort Qualify a Product/Fixture pages and click on the application type you wish to submit for detailed instructions and to download the new Excel application forms.
Access the SSL application instructions and forms HERE
Access the Hort application instructions and forms HERE
Important information for submitters:
- All new SSL and Hort applications must be submitted through the new application portal beginning today.
- There is no change for NLC applications. NLC submitters should continue to submit applications through the existing portal at and use the NLC Excel application form for application submission.
- Submitters will have 110 days from today to download and save application data from the old application portal. Existing application data (including completed applications) will not be transferred to the new portal. Submitters will receive multiple reminder emails leading up to this 110 day deadline, and the DLC will make resources available shortly to help with the process of downloading your data.
- Any previously submitted applications currently under review on the old portal will complete their review through the old portal at These applications must be completed within 90 days, or they will need to be resubmitted through the new portal. If you have started an application in the old portal but have not submitted it by close of business today, it will need to be resubmitted through the new application portal.
- The nomenclature for Single Product and Family Grouping Applications has been changed to Level 1 and Level 2 applications, respectively. They will reference the application types by both the old and new names on the website and application forms for a number of months to minimize confusion.
- The Private Label Agreement Form for private label applications will be completed through Docusign on the new application portal. Please to your safe senders list to avoid important notification emails going to your spam folder.
- As of today, the DLC has also changed the nomenclature for Single Product and Family Grouping Applications to Level 1 and Level 2 applications, respectively. They will continue to reference the application types by both the old and new names on the website and application forms for a number of months to minimize confusion.
How-To Guides and Videos:
The DLC has made a number of video tutorials and how-to guides available to help you navigate the transition to the new Application Portal, including:
- Application Submission Overview
- Logging in to the New Application Portal
- New Application Portal Overview
- Managing Invoices in the New Application Portal
Access all video tutorials HERE
Access all how-to guides HERE
Informational Webinar:
The DLC held a webinar on January 24 to explain how the new application portal works for SSL and Hort applications. The recording is now available on the DLC website. The DLC will also repeat this webinar in Mandarin on Tuesday, February 8 at 9:00pm ET.
View recorded webinar HERE
Register for Mandarin Webinar HERE
The DLC is pleased to be able to offer an improved application processing experience for submitters. If you have any questions about using the new application portal, please reach out to