Official COP5 Position of The Clean Lighting Coalition on Decisions Regarding Mercury-Containing Fluorescent Lighting

Official COP5 Position of The Clean Lighting Coalition on Decisions Regarding Mercury-Containing Fluorescent Lighting

November 20, 2023 The prompt global phase out of fluorescent lamps is technologically feasible and economically justified due to the rapid development of LED lighting over the last five years. Energy-efficient retrofit LED lamps can replace fluorescents in virtually all applications. If adopted, the cumulative (2025-2050) global benefits of phasing-out all fluorescents would: According to…

Appropriate Planning and Support for a Global Transition to LED Lighting: Position Paper by the GLA
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Appropriate Planning and Support for a Global Transition to LED Lighting: Position Paper by the GLA

November 2, 2023 The Global Lighting Association (GLA) is committed to the reduction of mercury (Hg) in the world’s-built environment through a successful worldwide transition to LED light sources and phasing-out the use of fluorescent lamps.   The fluorescent lamp was introduced as an improvement over incandescent and halogen lamps. The mercury vapor in the…